Wednesday 24 February 2016

10 Facts on Persia

Hey guys. Today I'm going to do a blog on Persia. Hope you all enjoy, lets go!



1: Until the age of 5 a  Persian boy was not allowed to see his father!

2: The Persian empire was the largest that had ever been established.

3: Cyrus the Great was the founder of the Persian Empire, he died in battle in 530 B.C.

4: The Persian Empire was quite large - stretching from India to Europe.

5: The name Cyrus means "like the sun".

6: From 539 BC to 331 BC, the most powerful state in the world was the Persian Empire. 

7: Iran is the official language of Persia.  

8: Until 1935 the for­mer name of Iran was Per­sia.

9: Persian's favourite type of music is folk music.

10: The word Iran in Persian means “Land of the Aryans.”

 Hope you liked this Blog, Se you next time. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 Facts on Egypt

Hey guys welcome to.................................  facts on Egypt! Hope you like it. 4 3 2 1 LET'S START!


1: The river Nile (The longest river in the world) runs through Egypt.

2: Football is the most popular sport in Egypt.

3: Arabic is the official language of Egypt, also English and French are spoken in Egypt.

4: Cairo is the capital of Egypt.

5: Most of the area of Egypt is the Sahara and Libyan Desert.

6: 1,400 different gods and goddesses were worshipped in Ancient Egypt.

7: A 5,000 year old dress was found in Egypt (world record).

8: Egypt has less pyramids than Sudan.

9: Egyptians slept on pillows of stone.

10: Everyone knows the word gypsy, but did you know it is a short way for saying Egyptians?


                                             Hope you enjoyed this Blog see you next week.

10 Facts of Brazil

Hey guys, welcome to my post about Brazil, where I'll present 10 facts. Hope you enjoy it. Let's start 3.2.1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO


1: Brasil is the 5th largest country in the world.

2: The capital of Brazil is Brasilia.

3: The official language is Portuguese.

4: The largest country in South America is Brazil.

5: In 2012, the population of Brazil was 194 million people.

6: In Brazil, there are around 2500 airports.

7: The road map of Brasilia looks like an aeroplane from above!

8: The life Expectancy in Brazil is 69 years.

9: The population in Brazil is 184,184,000

10: Apple's iPhone is almost twice more expensive to buy in Brazil than in the U.S.


                                                        Hope you all enjoyed this blog