Sunday 26 July 2015

The amazing day!

Hey guys, today I want to tell you about the amazing day I had. Lets get to it.
When I woke up I had to do some work. When I finished I went home and had my breakfast (pancakes). Then I went on my laptop and did my computer work.  Afterwards, dad called "Lets go, we have to get to the lake". I grabbed a chocolate bar and jumped in the car - time to go swimming! It was a 20-30 minute drive but when we got there it was great! 
We had a swim and a picnic and had a great time. Then it was time to go home :( 
When we got home it was 7:00 pm. But we decided it would be fantastic to go to the mountains and watch the sunset :) 
We went to a place called Buzludja. It is an interesting building that looks like a UFO. It is where the Communist party met.  Some of us even went inside this giant building which is falling apart slowly.

The Buzludja monument

The view from Buzludja 

Us at the top


About me

Hey guys today I am going to talk about me, lets get to it.
My name is Archie Alfrey and I'm 10 years old. I live in Bulgaria but born in England, I go to England to see my family in the holidays. I am now in England and having a great time with my family. I have a YouTube channel, I film Lego machines and much more on it. If you want to check it out click here
I am staying in England for another 3 weeks 3 days, but I am missing Bulgaria and the sunshine! 
I hope everybody enjoyed this post. See you next Sunday 
